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On Saturday, January 25th, nearly 100 women from Heartland Baptist Fellowship and surrounding churches gathered to be edified and encouraged by the teaching of God’s word through Deb Molder from Midtown Baptist Temple. Deb brought with her a message out of Colossians 2:6-7 on what it means to be rooted, built up, stablished and abounding in Christ. This message both inspired and challenged women to examine the soils of their hearts, that the seed of God’s word could take effectual root. Walking us through the stages of both physical and spiritual growth, women were exhorted to analyze the work Christ is doing within them and to nurture spiritual growth within themselves, and in others, through discipleship. This year’s conference offered personal wisdom and encouragement with testimonies from Kathy Mehl, Julie Foster, and Pam Jackson. This annual event serves as a foundational anchor, tethering the hearts of the women to the faithfulness and surety of God’s word by digging deep into scripture for a time of learning, fellowship with other like-minded believers, and encouragement from the Lord.