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2nd Annual Word First Fundraiser Event

Every year the Word First Bible Publishing ministry grows in the number of projects requested by churches and missionaries world wide.

To meet these requests WFBP is holding a fund raiser to raise interest in the ministry and raise financial resources to help cover the costs of these projects. We hope to raise $50,000 this year

To meet these requests WFBP is holding a fund raiser to raise interest in the ministry and raise financial resources to help cover the costs of these projects.

On April 26, 2025 WFBP will host their Second annual Sporting Clay shoot at Polecat Creek Shotgun Park in Harrisonville, MO.

Any one over the age of 14 may shoot but registration is needed by April 26th.

Sporting Clay shooting consists of 12 stations with 5 shots at each to break flying clay targets that are moving randomly to simulate the hunting environment.

You can register as an individual and be partnered up with 4 other shooters to form a group of 5 shooters for each station, or you can register up to a 5 man team and you would be the team captain. If you only register between 2 and 4 shooters, then each person may be assigned a start station for any starts that have less than 5 shooters.

Additional information:

Cost: $75 per person if registered by April 16th. Shooters can also registrater at the course but the walkon fee is $85 per shooter

Bring your own gun and ammo

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.


There is also a raffle for a new Weatherby shotgun; Tickets are $20 or 5 tickets for $85.00. You do not have to be present to win. 

