Every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00pm we meet in the sanctuary of HBF to study God's word. In addition to question-answer bible study and guest speakers, we have a course of study designed to enhance your knowledge and application of scripture. Wednesday Night Bible Study greatly enhances the personal discipleship process of believers and offers solid answers to those who God is calling to salvation.

Dress is casual so come after work. In the winter months we offer TNT (Trianing in Truth) for the children and in the summer months we offer Fun In The Son (FITS) for the children. We also classes for middle through Senior High on Wednesday Nights.

Course of Study: The following topics are scheduled to be discussed during Wednesday Night Bible Study however we cover even more through Question/Answer bible study and other targeted studies.

*Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth:

Principles of Bible Study (10 weeks every 3.5 years)
Compartive Religions (10 weeks every 7 years)
Manuscript evidence (2 weeks every 3.5 years)
Church history (8 weeks every 7 years)
Daniel (12 weeks every 7 years)
Revelation (24 weeks every 7 years)
Dispensations (1 evening annually)
Apologetics (20 weeks every 7 years)
Spiritual Gifts (4 weeks every 3.5 years)
Study of Book of Ephesians (12 weeks every 7 years)


*Rightly Applying the Word of Truth:

Marriage Enrichment (7 weeks every 3.5 years)
Child Rearing (4 weeks every 3.5 years)
Finances (4 nights every 3.5 Years)
Financial Peace (9 weeks every 7 years)
Practicing Evangelism (8 weeks every 3.5 years)
Charactar Qualities of men and women (8 weeks every 7 years)
Seven Realities of HBF (7 weeks every 7 years)
Owning the Mission - living Acts 1:8 (4 nights every 3.5 years)
Missions Philosophy (2 nights every 3.5 years)
Body Life (2 nights every 3.5 years)
Personal Devotion (1 night annually)
Prayer (1 night annually)
Teaching a devotion (1 night every 3.5 years)


*Courses are always being evaluated and subject to change. As we progress some topics exand, classes are added and others taught in other venues. We have a seven year schedule you may request from the office if you want to see the outlook for the next seven year cycle.