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June 2, 2024, was a joyous occasion as we enjoyed church in the Harrisonville City Park. God provided just the right amount of cloud cover and breeze to make the event very comfortable for the first weekend in June. This annual event has been a priority for Heartland Baptist Fellowship for over a decade. We enjoyed a wonderful time of praise and worship as we prepared our hearts to hear the preaching of God’s word. This years message was based on a passage in Zechariah 9:12. “Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;” We heard an convicting and encouraging message on this passage as illustrated by Paul and Silas a couple “Prisoners of Hope” in Acts 16:25-34.

After the message we asked God to bless the preaching and the food as enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the hospitality team at HBF. All through the park children played, people visited with friends, family and new acquaintances who joined us that day. HBF’s vision to be a church in the heart of America that shines brighter and brighter as we see the Lord’s appearing (Philippians 2:12-16) is fulfilled, in part, by taking time out to gather publicly in the heart of Cass County in the Harrisonville City Park. It is our hope that our church and all churches that preach the gospel continue to shine brightly in our communities as we share the good news of Jesus Christ until he returns for the church.

If you missed the fun, food, and friendship of church in the park, mark our calendar for June 1, 2025, as we plan to be having church in the park once again at Harrisonville, City Park.