Word First Bible Publishing Ministry works to produce Bibles, New Testaments, tracts, and booklets such as John and Romans to support churches and missionaries around the US and the world to get the needed tools out so that the Word of God can be spread throughout an area. While WFPM does not yet do printing of whole bibles we do print book covers and can print John and Romans and we have printed small runs of New Testaments.

As God has allowed, we have worked with many languages this years and our productivity has grown in the last two years. We had a goal of producing 100,000 scriptures and we are fast approaching this goal. We are praying that we hit that number in 2022. We have produced over 70,184 binds, which includes everything that passed through the binders or staplers to produce a usable tool for sharing the word of God.

This is a major milestone as we did the following:

  • Bible Conference - 3,000 Spanish for Missionary Allen Johnson
  • Bible Conference - 1008 English Bibles for Jamaica
  • 2500 – Lamba (Zambia tribal language) John and Romans printed and cut and boxed for Missionary Bryon Callaway
  • 50,000 Popoluca tracts – Tribal need in Mexico mountains
  • 500 tracts for Jack Ferguson on the Mexico border (size of a John and Romans)
  • 3,000 tracts for three different Philippine languages in Tagalog, Chebuanao, and Illongo
  • 300 Printed Discipleship lessons for the Philippines
  • 200 John and Romans for Community Fellowship Baptist Ala.
  • 2500 Chichewa New Testaments for Community Fellowship Baptist AL to be sent to Zambia Africa
  • 2500 Chichewa Discipleship lessons printed for the NT for Community Fellowship Baptist, Ala.
  • 300 Fishing tournament bibles English for Safe Harbor Baptist church
  • 1,700 John and Romans in English for Harvest Baptist Blue Springs
  • 21 English Bibles with Freedom covers – Maple City Baptist
  • 2100 English Whole Bibles for Grace Baptist with Marine covers, Hero covers, Pew bibles
  • 255 English NT for Grace Baptist

We have seen great strides in the opportunities that come to the ministry. it seems like at least bi-weekly we receive an inquiry on doing Bibles in small or large projects. This week alone I was asked about Vietnamese and Farsi. We have done Spanish, English, Lamba, Popoluka, and Tagalong, Cebuano, and Ilonggo. In prior years we have done, French, Romanian, Myanmar, Iranian, and others.

We acquired a newer model Challenge 305, which is a 30-inch single blade paper cutter that has been a huge blessing in custom cutting paper sizes for our digital printer. We had a forklift donated to the ministry which is a huge blessing.

Our print team has grown as ministry members have volunteered their time to come to the church and print material to be used in assembly. We probably have gone through 50 cases of paper to produce discipleship both to insert and to bind individually.

The armory has grown as well as we took over permanently an additional 640 square foot of space to set up material handling tasks. That in itself has allowed us to be more thorough in processing material for the binder and final trim.

Our team has grown as members of other local churches have given their time to be a part of this team and these projects.

We have worked to support the ministry of missionaries in the US, Mexico, Jamaica, Zambia, Malawi, Philippines and the US.

In November, for the first time we hosted a team from another church. This was Community Fellowship Baptist church in Alabama who made the drive from Alabama to Harrisonville to make New Testaments for their missionary. They were here for 3 days to assemble 2,500 Chichewa New Testaments and some John and Romans. This was a fantastic experience. Their team included their pastor and 10 others who came and worked. It was great to enjoy the fellowship with them. They plan to come back to be a part of the Bible conference in 2022. Pray that we are able to host church teams every year.

While we can and should rejoice in the work we accomplished in 2021, we anticipate and plan to see similar numbers for 2022. Already we have three bible projects totaling approximately 2,600 English whole bibles and 1,000 John and Romans for an East European country.

These projects are just waiting on a date to be put on the calendar. We also have some covers to print, about 1,000 and about 2,600 that need to be laminated before we can start assembling. We will need more discipleship inserts printed in English and we need to get them translated into Spanish and other languages.

We’ll hit the ground running right after the new year. We already have three English Bible Projects for January for a total of approximately 2,600 Bibles. If you would like to be a part of the ministry you can contact Randy Foster or Bob Hall for details. If you are from another church and you want to have a project done for your church or the missionaries you support contact Randy Foster for details on how we can join in partnership on a project.

Please be in prayer for the following:

  • God to continue to bring needed projects to our attention
  • God to continue to bring funding to cover the costs of projects, material, equipment repairs and other needs
  • The continued operational status of all the equipment with no breakdowns
  • Safety of the team as the work is done
  • Other churches to see the value of making and shipping bibles
  • That all the work we do has an impact on our world for the glory of God