Ray Blowers, Monmouth Team Leader

Every year, Heartland Baptist Fellowship goes on an adventure to Monmouth, Ill. The destination is Maple City Baptist Church, with Senior Pastor Mike Blake and Associate Pastor Beau Green. MCBC has an annual mission conference in November, HBF has the distinct honor and privilege to be a part of it every year. HBF’s contribution takes care of the children so the children’s ministry workers at MCBC can participate fully in the conference.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Mat 28:19-20)

On Saturday, Nov. 6, 18 people (13 adults and 5 children) left HBF on a beautiful autumn morning to fulfil the Great Commission by going. The Lord provided great traveling mercies as we endeavored on this 8-hour trek across northern Missouri into north-central Illinois. The sun was shining brightly, and the fall colors allowed the team to enjoy what the Lord has provided.

Upon arrival at MCBC, the team from HBF stretched and loosened up. It was time to unload all the supplies needed for this week of serving. The team made incredible short work unloading and setting up for Sunday morning. We were able to have some fellowship time with the great people of MCBC before departing with our host families and lodging for the evening.

Thanks to Daylight Savings, we get an extra hour to relax before it was go time for the conference. The team from HBF were refreshed and ready to go for the children of MCBC. The children of MCBC were in for a treat, they were getting ready to go on an adventure with Destination Dig. We are going to dig for the truth from God’s Word in our short time together.

The way everything came together is a great testimony of our loving, caring, providing Father. We had plenty of craft supplies, snacks, water and Starburst for the children. We were also blessed with having fellowship together. On Monday, the team was able to go to Burlington, Iowa, for lunch. We enjoyed lunch at great restaurant along the Mississippi River. The weather was great, so we enjoyed the outdoors by walking over to the Visitor Center, driving down Snake Alley and going on a nature walk. The team enjoyed the relaxing time together. It gave us a moment of rest, for there is still three more days of the conference.

During the day sessions, there were a couple of times of the conference the team from HBF were able to listen and enjoy. The team split into two groups, one went and listen in on the session while the other group watch the children. When the session had switched, so did the teams, as everyone had the opportunity to be a part of the conference.

One of the hardest things to do at this conference is saying goodbye on Wednesday night. Not only are you saying goodbye to children we learned to know, but saying goodbye to the people at MCBC, the missionaries and pastors makes you wish you had more time together.

As the team departed Monmouth on Thursday, Nov. 11, it was cold and raining as we said our last goodbyes to MCBC. That did not put a damper on our attitude. The Lord provided safe traveling mercies back to HBF. We did run into to some weird weather issue around I-435 and Bannister Road, where it was raining, snowing and the sun shining all at the same time. The team arrived back to HBF safe and sound and a little tired, knowing that we had obeyed and went and taught the bible to the children at MCBC. The apostle Paul reminds us of this in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9.

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. (1Co 3:6-9)

In April, HBF will be having its annual Vision Conference and our friends from Monmouth will be coming here. If you would like to be involved with this mission trip in the future, reach out to one of the team members that went and served. I also would like to say a huge, colossal thank you for the Monmouth Mission Team:

  • Mitch and Kelly Talley
  • Stan and Lisa Plough
  • Linda Jones
  • Jeff Trude
  • Heather Borntreger
  • Kailey Shafer
  • Pam Jackson
  • Laura Larcom
  • Lucas Larcom
  • Jaxon Larcom
  • Lilli Brunner
  • Beonca Oelke
  • Julianna Blowers
  • Brianna Blowers

I cannot wait until next year.