Editor’s Note: Earlier this spring, HBF held a workday on March 20. This day was coordinated. Below is a recap of that day by Steve Fleshman.

Before mentioning all the great work done by great people at HBF’s Workday March 20, 2021, I want to give glory to our Lord for giving us the perfect day in the midst of some rainy days, so that we could accomplish what we did. Below is my verse for this year’s workday, and I believe that God did work for us just as he did for Jonathan and his armor bearer in 1 Samuel.

“And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6

HBF Workday 2021

Below is a listing of tasks that we performed at HBF’s workday, please view the pics of some of the folks who helped:

  • We added some electrical outlets inside the AV / Sound booth to meet growing demands the AV team. One of our members who’s an electrician also wired in an outlet to be used for security camera/s in a future project.
  • After power washing the deck in the rain earlier that week, and replacing a board, we had 3-4 folks stain all the deck boards and handrails going to our trailers.
  • One of our members donated and installed about 15 cubic yards of mulch, around all of HBF’s flower beds! This was a big project that involved weeding and cleaning out forage, etc., before putting in the new mulch, but now it looks amazing!
  • We loaned the Newlands a person or two to help with the decoration of the E-wing for out upcoming Vision Conference, so they got a good jump on things.
  • About 4 folks brush-hogged and chain-sawed along our neighbor’s fence row along 283rd Street, to help make our church visible from the outer road; our folks did a great job and hauled away 2 big trailer loads of brush!
  • Six people other folks built a fence around the new HVAC units at HBF’s armory, this will help protect them from cars, trucks, and fork trucks during the production of Bibles!
  • Other folks cleaned the church, while yet others prepared a great men’s breakfast and also helped set out Mazzio’s pizza for lunch. We fed at least 20 men for breakfast and over 20 for lunch.

I wanted to thank everyone who helped make this workday such a success; I believe that our property is in good shape for upcoming events and it looks especially nice for Easter Sunday and visitors! I wanted to give special thanks to the Cass County Drug Court program, we had 7-9 of their folks helping us for community service hours, so it helped them and us, PTL!

The more I work around HBF’s facility the more I miss Pastor Jim Boyette and all he did for the Lord. I believe he would be glad to know that God’s people are striving to maintain God’s buildings here at HBF, as we pick up his mantle and press toward the mark of our high calling. There’s still much left to do in the days and weeks ahead, so please let me know if you’d like to mow grass, pour concrete, clean the church, etc., there’s something for all of us to do.