The Good News Club is taking God’s Word into the Harrisonville schools as part of an after-school program. Currently, we have 30 children, grades one through four who are registered to attend. Last week we had 26 children attending. Two of the fourth-grade children ride the school bus over to Harrisonville Elementary from McKeowen Elementary. One of those children accepted Christ as her Savior last school year.

While we are privileged to see 7 children, since October, who have asked Jesus to be their Savior, we are also encouraged that over 20 children have responded to the invitation to come and ask questions about the Bible after the lesson is presented.

These questions and discussions help them to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word...something they'll be doing the rest of their lives!

Larry and Barb Boucher would simply say that we are thankful to God for the way He's using our team of volunteers to touch the hearts and minds of the children who come to GNC at Harrisonville Elementary each Thursday afternoon.