Usually when we hear the word discipleship we think of Heartland’s Discipleship I lessons, or maybe the Discipleship II course. The truth is, discipleship is an ongoing investment in your life, helping you to grow deeper in your walk with the Lord as you become more confident in the Word of God.

Even greater is the truth that God never wants us to just be a learner, he also wants us to share what we have learned. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:2, And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. This means that as you have been discipled, you are expected to disciple others giving them everything you have received from disciplers who invested in you.<./p>

HBF is fortunate in that we have the most-advanced training anyone could want in our own Heartland Bible Institute. The Bible Institute is 2 Timothy 2:2 in action and every member of HBF has the opportunity to be trained by some of the best teachers of God’s word found anywhere, even within Bible colleges or seminaries. The teaching staff of HBI are the pastoral team at Heartland.These men have committed themselves to give you all that they have been given, in order to help you get where God wants you to be.

HBI is not for the faint of heart. It is a four-year commitment that quite truthfully rivals many Bible colleges around the country for gaining a solid understanding of the Bible. Studies include church and mission history, doctrinal studies, detailed book studies over 25 Old and New Testament books, and prophesy. Students are given the individual attention that helps them complete the coursework and be ready to serve God.

To qualify for admission, a potential student must have completed Discipleship I and II, be in a teaching ministry and regularly teaching, be a member in good standing including tithing, and have the approval of your Bible Fellowship pastor.

Registration is now open for all new and returning students for the Fall 2018 semester beginning on Aug. 19, 2018, with orientation and Aug. 21, for the first class. Classes will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday evening, as well as two courses on Saturday mornings.

Tuition is $120.00 per semester, which includes all classes and all materials. You can enroll by obtaining and completing an application from the Connections Center, and submitting it with the tuition amount.. Tuition for part-time students is $35 per course, for those who are enrolled in less than all four courses. First-time students (full or part time) will need to pay a one[time $25 administrative fee at the time of the enrollment.

All students (new or returning) are required to attend an orientation meeting with the Dean of Students before beginning classes. Orientation this year will be on Sunday afternoon Aug. 19, 2018 ,at 12:30pm.

Note that all registration applications must be submitted no later than Aug. 15, 2018. This fall there are four courses:

  • Homiletics: Preaching Expository Messages – Pastor Brian Hedges
  • Hermeneutics: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth – Pastor Jeff Trude
  • Systematic Theology – Pastor Randy Foster
  • Exploring Genesis – Pastor Tom Feurt

Students in HBI are exposed to some of the best teaching around, but more than that, they represent some of the best that Heartland has to offer to the Lord. The pastoral team makes every effort to help the students identify where God is leading and then helping them on the preparation path to be ready to serve, whether it is in ministry at Heartland or as a missionary in another part of the world.

If you have any questions about HBI, contact Pastor Randy Foster or your Bible Fellowship pastor. Find more information online about our Bible Institute!

Register today by clicking here!

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.