By Steve Fleshman

Editor's Note: You can view a photo gallery from the workdays on Facebook.

We thank the Lord for his provision of good weather, good funding, and lots of man power for the replacement of HBF's handicap concrete project. This three-day (Nov. 5, 6 and 8) project was also successful due to the sacrifice, equipment, and planning of the Junior Alvarez family and his partners. We removed the old concrete on Friday, prepped the area on Saturday and re-poured 45 yards of concrete on Monday, and we utilized nearly 20 volunteers with this effort.

We partnered with one of the Life Issues Drug Court students, Troy L., who worked tirelessly to make this his pay-it-forward project that he needed to complete prior to graduation. We were thankful that it helped him and us. We're also thankful for HBF member Jason Bruner's concrete company (WM&D Concrete) for getting us great pricing on concrete!

Another blessing from my perspective is that many of you know that I sent out a mass text two different days asking for help, and the first day God sent me one qualified man that worked an entire day running a Bobcat, while losing out on pay from his company. The second day I asked for help, God sent me two different folks that worked the whole day and enabled us to finish the project.

There are many other unsung heroes of this project that volunteered ahead of time and pitched in with various contributions, all of them doing what they could to beautify and maintain the facility that God gave his church at HBF. I feel honored to serve the Lord as our Facility Pastor, and to have overseen this project, and I hope to get the stripes and handicap images on it before Spring, but it's usable at this time.

I read Proverbs 8 on Nov. 8, and it was verse 11 that the Lord laid on my heart to be seeking after/desiring wisdom for this project and in my life in general, so I etched it in the corner of the concrete to remind me and others of our need for wisdom and how the Lord came through for me on this project.

For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. Proverbs 8:11