Editor’s Note: There are some members of HBF who – due to health reasons – cannot come to church in person due to COVID-19. We should remember these members and pray that we can see them in person again soon. The below is an update from Gwaine and Betty Arney. Gwaine is considered at-risk due to his cancer history and stem cell transplant several years ago.

Greetings from Gwaine and Betty Arney! Love to all our family at Heartland Baptist Fellowship. We miss the sweet fellowship of the body of Christ. COVID19 has changed things for so many people that our prayer list has become very long. We will rejoice when we can see you again. May 22 marked a milestone for me. THREE years since my stem cell transplant!

God is mighty and we are humbled by his amazing mercy and grace. At my virtual appointment yesterday, the BMT long term follow-up doctor said all is going well. My labs are getting closer to normal range and the chance of relapse of lymphoma is down to 20%! Hallelujah!

You would think this would mean a big GREEN LIGHT. But COVID19 complicates things for us. Cancer treatments can have long-term side effects. The very first chemo, in March 2016, caused damage to my heart muscle. Although this can never be reversed, praise God that medications can control the symptoms. Also, since my immune system was totally wiped out, I have fragile white cells. They are not a strong army that would be effective in fighting a big battle like COVID19. It would be very difficult for me to recover if I came down with this virus. Thus the need for extra precautions.

Our life is very simplified. We get Walmart pickup once a week. Drop off supplies for our moms as we can and call them every day. We have had a couple of masked visits with them on their porches. We are so grateful that I am able to work mostly from home. God has made this possible for the past 4 years. And we go to virtual church in our basement! This is such a blessing! Being able to worship with the HBF body and attend Real Life Class at the same time as everyone. This was not possible when we were isolated in 2017. We had to wait until the video was uploaded and then watch alone. Sounds like a small thing, but this is BIG.

We have been lifted up by all your prayers for such a long time and we would be remiss if we did not also pray over all of you. God is faithful in all things, even when they don't appear to be going well. Please pray that we will be able ministers in this time.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Philippians 1:6

Love, Gwaine and Betty