By Steve Fleshman, Life Issues Ministry Pastor

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of March 2021, 13 percent of Americans reported starting or increasing substance use as a way of coping with stress or emotions related to COVID-19. Overdoses have also spiked since the onset of the pandemic.

The ongoing stress and uncertainty of COVID-19 have led to increased demand for mental health counseling. The CDC states that conditions like anxiety and depression aren’t the only mental health issues people are facing. Experts say misuse of opioids and stimulants is also on the rise.

Drug and Alcohol abuse in Cass County is also on the rise as a result of the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic.

Heartland Baptist Fellowship sponsors a ministry outreach specifically designed to combat these tough issues; Life Issues Addiction Recovery Program.

Life Issues was started in February 2011, as a vision of Pastor Steve Fleshman. Life Issues provides a structured environment and specialized recovery curriculum to bring souls from the bondage of addiction to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The new believers are then trained and discipled in their relationship with the Lord and to recover their lives and restore broken families.

Life Issues Walk 2021

Each Labor Day, Life Issues sponsors their annual “Recovery Walk” fundraiser. This year was the 9th year for the Recovery Walk. The entire community is invited and encouraged to participate in the event. The participants walk from the Cass County Jail to Heartland Baptist Fellowship. The 4.4-mile walk is symbolic of a person starting their journey in bondage at the Cass County Jail, and walking to freedom with a relationship with the Lord and serving in a local church. Once participants reach the finish line at HBF, they are treated to a host of activities, food, special speakers, door & raffle prizes, and sweet fellowship with friends.

This year the event was held on Friday Sept. 3, 2021. The Recovery Walk is the primary fundraiser for Life Issues. Funds raised by the annual Recovery Walk help to provide emergency housing, food, clothes, transportation, and various other physical needs Pastor Steve and the Life Issues leaders encounter when helping the addicted.

The fundraising goal this year was $12,000. Through the efforts of many dedicated Life Issues leaders, students, and local businesses - the Lord blessed the Life Issues Addiction Recovery Program with over $14,000. Praise the Lord !!

Stay tuned for the “2021 Recovery Walk” video. The video will show highlights of the event and will be posted on the Life Issues YouTube channel and Life Issues Facebook page.