
1 John 2:18-29

In our study of 1 John 2, we have observed how God used John to bring relationships to the light of Christ. Understanding that God, through John addresses three groups of people in 1 John 2, Little Children, Young Men and Fathers, he teaches us to love God and love one another in fulfillment of the Great Commandment which was ancient in scripture but given afresh and new in Chist. While we love one another in maturity as we grow through discipleship we also learn not to love the world niether the things that are in the world. That fights agaist God and our relationship with him.

That brings us to today's message as John once again turns his attention to "Little Children" and sets forth fundamental principles that we all need to be prepared to utilize in standing against the spirit of antichrist so we are prepared when the Lord returns for his church.